To turn on these features, first link your Yahoo! and Facebook accounts by clicking on the
Best Answer: The 'name link' you refer to is Facebook's tagging feature, which you can do from any post using the publisher box. The tag is a modified form .
"To turn on these features, first link your Yahoo! and Facebook accounts by clicking on the
Yahoo! - The official Facebook page for Yahoo! - Company Overview: Yahoo! is the premier digital media company, creating deeply personal digital experiences that keep .
I noticed too on my profile. However last night i was reading a blog from Facebook on new privacy rollouts over the next few weeks, and you never know, it .
Removing the Facebook Link. If you . want to unlink your Facebook and Yahoo . again under your status on the mail home page, making it easy to link to your Facebook .
How can
facebook status linked yahoo
you enter an URL link into your facebook status? How do you tag or hyperlink a person . Yahoo! does not evaluate or guarantee the accuracy of any Yahoo .
I successfully linked my Yahoo account to Facebook and I want to share my status updates, but when I go to
From Yahoo! News: A Utah woman held captive for five days used a Facebook status update to save her and her 17-month-old . overwrite-link-string', 'overwrite-link .
How to Stop My Facebook Status From Yahoo!. Yahoo! is an online content . into 2 websites just to update your current status. Now you can link your Twitter and Facebook.
facebook just had weird updates and even the viewing of the pictures hurts the eyes because of the white background. And also if you try to put a link it . facebook status linked yahoo
Best Answer: @AB CD . You have to type @ nd then ur friends name ! Only then it could be linked to ur friends profile . just add "@" in front of your .
Link your Yahoo! and Facebook accounts by clicking on the
Best Answer: You have to write a @ where you want to put the linked name. Then you will be able to select a friend! . Type in:
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