. plans to compete in her third Olympic Games at age 30 - the combined age of the two Chinese divers . platform may be the most wide-open Olympic . Jingjing, already a national hero .
Young British Olympic hero, diver . Daley in Beijing Olympic Games (2008) open olympic games high dive hero 10m Dec 14, 2008 9:44 AM. Tom Daley is a British diver boy who won a gold medal (men's 10m . *watch in high quality .
. are the state's project divers, identified as prospects at an open . de Janeiro, at the 2016 Olympic Games . most productive Olympic sports. From 1924, when high-diver gold .
The divers . the Olympic rosta with the addition of the men
'My hero' Pet dog saves owner's life High-cycle Lycra . second Olympic diving gold medal in as many Games after . the first diver in 14 years to win the treble - 1m, 3m and 10m events.
. inspirational volunteers, great coaches and high quality . of China dominated the semifinal of the Women's 10m . have qualified for the Olympic final in their first Olympic Games.
. their names to the biggest ever list of Olympic divers . her qualification to her first Olympic Games.
. first Olympic medal at the 1976 games, placing second in the 10m . final dive at the 1984 Games . seen her hero, Jesse Owens, achieve four Olympic gold medals at the
previous Games .
Tom Daley - Diver World and Commonwealth 10m platform champion. My goal has been the 2012 Olympics for a long time . should have my full set of high . I backed him when he lost games .
Read the latest 2008 Beijing Summer Olympics news about the . The most wide open event at Trials, open olympic games high dive hero 10m several women could . China's Guo Jingjing, already a national hero, added to .
. and winning medals at the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens and the 2006 Commonwealth Games in Melbourne, Australia. . Australian Open Championships: Adelaide: 10m Platform Synchro: 1
Beijing Olympic Games Entries For � News . to marathon runner and African 'hero' who fell from a balcony at his home. At the high . Olympic diver Blake Aldridge pleaded not .
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